Saturday, April 21, 2018

I went to Cabo two weeks ago and it was fucking awesome

The TLDR version: Cabo is cool. Highly recommend.

The Full Report: If you're going to Cabo, don't expect to do a whole lot. This is the type of vacation where you stay at an all inclusive resort and you sit by the pool or beach and then eat and drink and sleep.  That's pretty much it.  That being said, it was fucking awesome.

I stayed at the Paradisus Los Cabos and it was pretty sweet.  Here's a pic of the pool:

First things first, after you check in, they give you this sweet bracelet that looks like something some 20-year-old would buy at American Eagle:

Maybe the best part of going to Cabo was booking a van to take you from the airport to your hotel.  If for no other reason they send entertaining emails such as this:

Paradisus Los Cabos had some sort of exclusive upgrade package where no kids were allowed.  We didn't spring for that, but I'm assuming that's where the hot tub was.  The pool looked sweet at night, but may as well of had a "no poor people allowed" sign outside of it:

Here's a picture of a woman swimming in the ocean and peeing.  I know she peed because I verified after she got out that she did so.

Here's the Hilton next door.  I walked over there to use the ATM, and by comparison, that resort was dogshit compared to the Paradisus Los Cabos.  It wasn't all inclusive, the pool was fucking tiny, and the beach chairs were all jammed up next to one another.  Fuck that place, do yourself a favor and don't stay there if you go to Cabo.

Speaking of the ATM, you should bring enough American cash to last you for the trip.  Even though the resort is all inclusive, it's courteous to leave tips.  Cabo is so touristy that USD is accepted, even if you head downtown.  That leaves no reason to get pesos either.  The reason you should bring cash is the ATM at the Hilton couldn't dispense USD and when I took some out I got ass-raped in service fees.

Also - keep your fucking immigration forms.  You need that shit to get your boarding pass out of the country.  If you don't, you'll have to pay $30 at the airport to get a new one.  Total scam.  I'm not speaking from my experience, but am speaking about someone I travelled with who will not be named.

That's about it.  Here's another glory shot of the beach.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Should I join the Reserves to get a $99 Ski Pass?

For those of you who don't know, Vail resorts is doing something really fucking cool this year by offering a military pass for $99 for all active duty and retired.  A veteran pass is available for $499.  To put it in perspective, I spent over $800 this past season on a comparable pass.  Now you might be thinking, "Why are you going to join the reserves, that's not active duty!"

Shut the fuck up and look here:

  • Reserve & Guard Forces: A person in the Reserve or National Guard is not full-time active duty military personnel, although he or she can be deployed at any time should the need arise. Members of the Reserve & Guard are eligible for the Military Epic Pass (Active/Retired/Dependent) if they are currently serving in the Reserves or National Guard (serving on Title 32 orders). (This offer does not apply to members of the IRR – Individual Ready Reserve.)

Now, this might seem awfully cool of Vail Resorts to include drilling reservists in on this deal, but let's not kid ourselves.  The real reason reservists are eligible is because their ID cards look exactly the same as active duty.  There would be no way for Vail resorts to tell them apart.

Now to my original question: Is it worth joining the reserves to save $400?  Let's way the cons and pros (in that order):


  • I would be in the fucking reserves
  • I'd have to deal with career reservists, who are 10000000% different than the active guys who went into the reserves
  • I'd have to travel for the reserves.  Despite their commercials that say you drill where you live, it's fucking bullshit.  If there isn't a unit close to you, your ass is traveling.
  • Donald Trump would be my fucking commander-in-chief
Bullet two sounds a little harsh, but let me tell you as someone who spent 10.5 years active duty and had jobs that dealt with people who have been in the reserves for 20 years, it's a goddam nightmare.  For reservists it's like playing military on the weekend.  They think it's so fucking cool to put on some cammies and hang out with other reservists on the weekends.  I'm serious.  I had a reservist ask me what I did when I wasn't in the military and the concept that this was my full time job was lost on him.  

There's just something about putting on a uniform that seems so fucking cool.  The active guys have that shit wear off after a year or so when they realize the dress whites don't actually help them get more pussy than before.  But for these reservists, it seems like the novelty never wears off.  I had a reserve commander tell me not to hesitate to pull the military card in the airport to get where you're going.  He told me that one time he was on standby for a flight (when he wasn't even traveling for Navy purposes) and he said his wife called up the airline and said "My husband is in the military! He's traveling for official duty and needs to be on this flight!"  I wanted to punch him in the face and inform him that he's a fucking loser, but you can't do that to a senior officer in the military, so I didn't.


  • $99 Ski pass
  • That's it

Guess the verdict is in.  I'll just pay $499 for the veteran pass.