Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Samsung making a phone that can charge other phones is the dumbest fucking thing I've ever seen

Samsung being the ever anti-Apple company has this commercial where their new phone can charge other phones:

Hold the fuck up.  I don't know anyone that would let someone drain their battery to charge someone else's phone, let alone a total stranger.  Fuck that noise.  How many times are you out and people are asking if someone has a portable charger, or if the bartender can plug in their phone behind the bar for a little bit.  Getting a phone charge is like fucking crack - people need it.  You can be damn sure no one is gonna give up their valuable battery while out and about.  I mean, how will I update my instagram story or put a fucking doggy filter on my face?

If you think I'm screwing around, I'm not - check out this picture of my friend John.  We were walking around Atlanta and we ducked into a hotel so he could charge his phone.

What a fucking savage move.  Look Samsung, good idea, but you overestimated the generosity of the human spirit.  LOL.  Fuck Samsung and their green texts.