Wednesday, October 5, 2016

I'm on academic probation at an online university which basically means I'm dominating life

If you're not impressed by my 1.75 GPA at an online university you don't have a pulse.  This shit ain't graded on a curve like those brick-and-mortar schools.  Need to get a legit 80% to pull a B.  Needless to say, I haven't been doing much of that.

You're probably wondering what the hell I'm doing trying to get an MPA at an online university.  Well, there's this thing called the GI Bill.  As of last summer, I had about 20 months left after grad school.  One of the benefits is that you get a living stipend when you're enrolled as a full-time student, even if it's online.  Well fuck, do the math, I'm leaving cash on the table by not trying to get a third graduate degree.

Let's be real, online, for-profit universities are making a mockery of higher education, so I've decided to flip the script and make a mockery of them.  Hell, ITT tech has shut down, this place can't be far behind.  Besides, this isn't costing me a dime.  The GI Bill pays for my tuition while padding my hookers and blow Chick-Fil-A budget.

Besides, getting emails like this just brings a smile to my face:

1.75 > 1.50

I'm making progress.  Just hope I can exhaust that GI Bill before I get expelled by a for-profit online university.

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